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Albert Scopin

Born in 1943 in Freiburg, Germany


1963-66 Education

1966-67 Photo assistant in various studios

1967-69 Education Photography Munich


1969 Relocation to New York, assistant photographer Mikel Avedon and Bill King. During the assistantship with Bill King, Andy Warhol shot scenes for his films "Trash" and "Flash" in his studio. Albert Schöpflin got in contact with the "Warhol Crowd" and took an apartment in the now legendary Chelsea Hotel.


1969 - 71 Living and working in the "Chelsea Hotel", at that time a kind of living community, which among other things also belonged to Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe


1971 - 73 Foundation of the »Yonah Yeend Film«. In a team of friends, Albert Schöpflin produces and shoots documentary films in and about the New York cultural underground from academically distant intellectuals, freaks, drop-outs, poets, musicians and visual artists. The result is unconventional films about street theater, graffiti painting or the beginnings of video art


1974 Moved from New York to Hamburg. Work on a film about »Office people«


1974 Moved to Frankfurt, the movement of the pictures in the film is stopped. The standing image of the photography is all turn, a professional studio is set up. Albert Schöpflin's view of the people impressed the art buyers of the agencies and the editorial offices of the magazines.


1980 Drawings »Psychograms«


1985 Moved to Munich. Drawing and painting are becoming increasingly important in Scopin's creative work.


1986 Work on the film and on the book »Objects do not see,« an exploration of applied photography


1983 - 88 Lecturer (1983 - 86 Freelance Lecturer) at the College of Design in Darmstadt


1990 Decision for exclusively free artistic creation. Scopin now works intensively and uncompromisingly sensual, physically-direct.


2004 - 2010 Relocation to Riehen (Switzerland), completion of the introspective creative phase, at the same time return to the region of childhood and youth.


2010 Scopin's drawings and paintings become colorful. Personal psychograms turn into psychograms of a society radically transformed and restructured by digital technologies


From 2012 working with asphalt.

scopin holziges mit spuren web
abert grosse schwarze wolke_1
guesse von links web
scopin bilder an der wand frei
planet web
albert grosser bogen oben solo_1

© AM contemporary, Elsässerstrasse 248, CH-4056 Basel

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